Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with Hepatitis C? If so, you probably already know that it targets the liver. What you may not know is that more than four million people around the world are victims of Hepatitis C.
There are some serious considerations when you are diagnosed with Hepatitis C but there are also serious misconceptions. Did you know that it is an infection? To be accurate it is blood-borne virus, HCV.
Hepatitis C is spread through contact with the blood of someone who is already infected. in fact, what makes this infectious disease so insidious is that treatment is often overlooked because the patient doe snot experience serious symptoms until well after the acute stage.
Sadly, diagnosis usually does not occur until extensive liver damage has already occurred. This is why early detection is so vital. The bottom line here is that we all need to be aware of this condition.
"Your Complete Guide to Hepatitis C" gives you the answers to the tough questions - even to the questions you don't know to ask, like some of these:
- What is Hepatitis C?
- What causes Hepatitis C infection.
- What are the first symptoms of HCV infection?
- How can people get infected with HCV?
- What medical complications can Hepatitis C cause?
- Who can get Hepatitis C infection?
- Is there any vaccination for Hepatitis C?
- What are the treatment options for Hepatitis C?
- What are preventive measures for Hepatitis C infection?
- Can an HCV-infected Mother pass on line?
- Can Hepatitis C spread through sexual contact?
- Can an HCV-infected person donate blood?
- How is it spread?
- What about tattoos and piercings?
All About Women and Hepatitis C
Do you know all about how Hepatitis C interacts with menstruation, pregnancy and contraception? There is an entire chapter devoted to just this topic.
You need answers to these and the multitude of other questions if you are to be armed with the right ammunition when suspecting the blood-borne infection in yourself or a loved one.
Early diagnosis is crucial! Waiting can be extremely serious and is not recommended. Each day that you delay causes more and more danger. Get it done and get it done now!
"Your Complete Guide to Hepatitis C" is no replacement for medical advice and should not be construed as such. Rather, it is a valuable tool to arm yourself with important information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.
Remember, Hepatitis C is not a mental illness. Yes it is contagious. But good personal hygiene is a tool against the risk!
Again, if you or a loved one suspects they have Hepatitis or are diagnosed with it, you need answers.
"Your Complete Guide to Hepatitis C" is just what you need to become informed. Order your copy now and have your answers in minutes!
Click here for more information!