Sunday, October 12, 2008

Living With Fibromyalgia

Amazing Secrets that Help YouExperience More Pain-Free Days

The alarm kicks in and while you are in that space between time - not awake - not asleep - you habitually whisper that little pray that you use each day, "please, please let this be a pain-free day.
Sadly, the fates intervene and as you become fully conscious you become aware of the spasms in your legs and how tired and debilitating you feel even after a good night's sleep.
The last thing you want to do is get up because you know exactly what is coming: nausea, headache, anxiety and even depression. Depression plays a huge part because you are at a total loss for an explanation of your symptoms.
Unfortunately, you physician is of the "old school" and without saying so has hinted that your physical pain is "all in your head." You aren't alone. Thousands of people have been right where you are - with unexplained symptoms and no diagnosis.

Why Traditional Medicine Has Failed ToWork... and How You Will Get Relief Instantly

Don't blame your physician, however. Fibromyalgia is a disease that is still not well-known throughout the medical community. Some schools of thought link it to arthritis but the symptoms are different.
Maybe it's time you got some answers on your own. Maybe you have fibromyalgia and just don't know it! If you have experienced any of the following symptoms, you might want to look further:
Muscle pain, spasms or leg cramps
Insomnia or waking up still feeling tired
Always feeling tired and having little energy
Sensitivity to light, sound, odors, foods, cold and medicines
Upset stomach
Feeling of anxiety and/or depression
These are not the only symptoms and certainly these symptoms can apply to other diseases, but you owe it to yourself and your family to learn more.

Explore Treatment Options

While there is no known "cure" for fibromyalgia, there are treatments that can help sufferers. Some of those are:
Foods to avoid
Learning about Homeostasis
How journaling can help
But, what foods help and what foods to avoid? Which medications work and which should I stay away from? What is Hoeostatsis?

The Complete Guide to Prevention and Treatment!

The good news is that someone has documented known treatments to help you take control and deal with this disease. Learn about the symptoms, treatments and much more in "Living With Fibromyalgia."
Discover little known answers that a large percentage of the public hasn't heard before. Since fibromyalgia isn't one of those diseases that causes imminent death, it is very often overlooked as a diagnosis by the medical community.
Get the facts for yourself then take them to your physician. The answers to all your questions are just a click away. Do it now and stop the pain tomorrow! You'll be glad you did!

All About Asthma

By Sharon Wicks

While mild asthma isn't considered fatal, severe asthma can cause respiratory failure. Epidemic? Probably not. Disturbing? Absolutely! The last two decades have shown the fastest growing trend in the occurrence of asthma.
This is another of those diseases whose upward surge can find its roots in modern technology.
Environment has a huge role in triggering asthma attacks. For the majority of folks, we work, live and play indoors. Dust, carpet fibers, mold, weather, wood smoke and preservatives are just a few contributing factors. Even specific gastrointestinal infections can cause asthma.
If you or someone you love appears to exhibit symptoms of asthma but you aren't sure of what to look for then "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is just what the doctor ordered.
"All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is not a textbook filled with medical jargon. Rather, it is written in plain English, straightforward and jam packed with just what you need to know before heading off to your physician.
Today's patients are a savvy lot who take control of their own health issues as never before in history. "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" recognizes that and places you in the drivers seat. Take a look at what you will learn:
What causes an asthma attack?
What are the different types of asthma?
How to identify the warning signs and symptoms
How to determine the severity of your asthma
Asthma in adults and the elderly
How to treat asthma in your child
Can you prevent an asthma attack?
What is the criteria to diagnose asthma?
What medications are used to treat asthma?
Learn about a "peak flow meter"
Common myths about asthma dispelled
Asthma an exercise
What about asthma and nutrition?
Look, we aren't going to tell you that "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is going to cure your asthma. . .there is no cure for asthma. However, there are different ways to manage the disease.
Beware of anyone making "cure all" claims just to get you to part with your hard-earned money. What you need is a responsible guide that will explain this condition and give you realistic answers about dealing with it whether it be for yourself or your child or your elderly.
Don't waste another minute. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee you have no reason not to get the answers you deserve and get them right now. Those answers are just a click away. The longer you wait, the longer the symptoms go with no relief.
Move on over and click the link below and get your questions answered immediately. Don't waste another breath. Who knows when that next breath may come more difficulty?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

De-Mystifying Cancer

By The Time You Are Diagnosed - Will It Be Too Late?
Are you playing Russian Roulette with your health? Do you suspect that you may have cancer but have been ignoring the symptoms hoping they will just go away?
It's hard to believe that people would actually ignore something that important, doesn't it? But it happens. Thousands of people die every day of cancer related illness.
The sad thing is that many of those premature deaths could have been avoided with just a little bit of knowledge and early detection.
The major problem with much of the information about cancer is that it is very general and written in medical jargon that is nearly impossible to decipher. That's where "De-mystifying Cancer" comes in.
"De-mystifying Cancer" has taken all that technical information and broken it down in plain English so that anyone can get answers to their burning questions. Questions like these:
What is cancer?
How does it develop?
What are the major types of cancer?
What are primary and secondary cancers?
What are carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemia, lymphomas and adenomas?
How is your immune system affected by cancer?
Who gets cancer?
What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?
What are the risk factors for cancer?
How do you diagnose lung cancer in men and women?
Are you at risk for prostate cancer?
How can you detect breast cancer in its early stages?
What imaging processes are used for detecting cancer?
What are the different types of biopsies?
Do you know what treatment options are available?
Are there alternative treatments and therapies?
And that just scratches the surface. "De-mystifying Cancer" is jam-packed with answers to every question you could possibly have about cancer.
One of the most important things you will find inside is an Action Plan for Coping With a cancer diagnosis. This section will help you:
Inform yourself
How to choose the right doctor
How to communicate with your family members
Innovative approaches to treatment
Changing your diet
How to continue with your normal daily life
Don't put it off any longer. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have cancer and need answers to those burning questions, "De-mystifying Cancer" is just what you need. Don't wait until it's too late. Get your copy now!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Living With Crohn's Disease

By Lois Fordham(About The Author)

If you thought that constant pain in your belly is caused by "something you ate" you are partially correct. But thinking that it's a painful condition that you'd have to try to to live with, then listen up. It could be a sign of something more sinister and you need to learn to deal with it.
Do you remember the first time you had that horrible abdominal pain? Chances are, you may have thought you were suffering from appendicitis. You couldn't believe how painful it was. Perhaps the pain occurred following a meal and subsided after a period of time
In fact you may even be thinking that it's a bad case of the flu especially if you are having other symptoms like diarrhea or even weight loss. If you think that, you couldn't be further from the truth.
You could very well be experiencing the symptoms of Chron's Disease and if left unchecked could result in ulcers, anal fissures, anemia or inflammation of the joints.
What Is Crohn's Disease?
Chron's Disease is an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a specific type of bowel disease but it can erupt anywhere between the mouth and the anus and while it specifically affects the digestive system most instances occur in the lower part of the small intestine or the beginning part of the large intestine.
It is a very serious medical condition that should not go unchecked.
If You Want To Stop the Pain Then YouNeed To Know How to Control the Disease
And that's where "Living With Crohn's Disease" comes in. Since Chron's is not your garden variety heartburn or bellyache you have got to get the correct answers to your questions. Interestingly, Chron's normally affects people between the ages of fifteen and 30 and does not affect young children.
It affects approximately 400,000 to 600,00 people in North America. There is no specific cause of the disease although some subscribe to the idea of genetics. Not only is there jno specific cause there is also no single cure. It need not be a disabling condition but you must learn how to diagnose and live with the disease.
"Living With Crohn's Disease" endeavors to answer your unasked questions like these:.
What happens with inflammation of the bowels?
What are the signs and symptoms of Chron's Disease?
What are the common complications of the disease?
What are the different types of Chron's?
How to detect the symptoms in children?
How does Chron's affect women?
How is it diagnosed?
What you should expect while testing for Chron's.
How is it treated?
Simple cures and lifestyle changes.
Managing stress and coping with the emotional factors.
The Bottom Line With Chron's and Any Other Disease for That Matter Is What You Don't Know Can and Will Hurt You!
Sure, it's easy to shrug it off and chalk it up to a "flu bug." That might work for a time or two. But when you are suffering from excruciating abdominal pain once, twice or even a third time, don't you think it's something to pay attention to?
Well, it is and you can get the answers you need so you can proceed to take control of Chron's Disease before it takes control of you. You can live a long and healthy life if you take care of the problem before they start removing yards and yards of your insides.
Ask Yourself... How Much Would You Payto Get Rid of Pain That Turns You Inside Out?
Don't wait! If you think that you or a loved one may have or be at risk for this disease, grab your copy right now. Don't log off. Don't click away. Go to the link below and get the book. You need answers and you need them now!
The truth is, you owe it to yourself — and your loved ones — to get the complete facts about this disease. If you could learn how to take control and live relatively pain-free forever, how much would that be worth to you?
Let's put it another way... if you could pay $100 and stop your pain forever, would you do it? Would you pay $200, or even $500... if you knew you could stop get the answers you need and stop the pain for good?
Well, the good news is that it won't cost you anywhere near those amounts. For just $17 you can get the answers and grab control of the pain and uncertainty of Chron's disease once and for all with "Living With Crohn's Disease!"
What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose...
...and a pain-free life to enjoy.
Do it now.


By Stephanie Mallet (About The Author)

Did you know
That ten million Americans are affected by depression every year? That more women than men suffer from depression?
Depression is no laughing matter. It is a serious debilitating disease that affects every facet of life for the sufferer. Sadly it is also on the increase at an alarming rate.
Unfortunately many people with depression either go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to a lack of knowledge. This is scary because for the depressed person life can become a living hell leading to serious consequences.
Taking the first step
The first step is discovering if you do suffer from depression. The next step is understanding what depression is all about and how to deal with it.
Most information about depression is written in technical terms and unless you are a trained therapist you will need a medical dictionary to decipher the content.
What's really needed is a guide that is easy to read and understand. That's where "DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE" comes in. It is unlike anything else out there that discusses depression.
It is easy to digest and understand. But most importantly it gives you answers! Answers to burning questions like these:

What is depression - Learn how serious this disease is and what are some of the disabling effects.
What are the different types of depression - Not all depression is alike. All types are serious but some are severe. Learn what they are.
What causes depression - Causes can run the gamut from stress to hormonal or social factors. Discover how this differs from person to person.
Symptoms and common myths about depression - Some of the symptoms may be obvious while others may be masked. Learn how to tell the difference and also eliminate some of the old wives tales.
Who gets depression - Anyone. It affects people across all age, sex and socio-economic backgrounds.
"DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE" places you in control of the situation. Understanding what depression is arms you with the tools to know how to treat it. A few of the additional benefits you'll get from this guide are:
How is depression diagnosed - Nothing takes the place of a professional diagnosis - However, we teach you how to determine if it is time seek medical advice.
Options for treatment - A complete evaluation by your psychologist determines the appropriate treatment options. We cover them for you in depth so you have an idea what to expect.
Alternative therapies - Therapies such as biofeedback, hypnosis, yoga and others are discussed as treatments for mild depression.
What happens if depression is not treated - Left untreated depression can cause serious upsets to physical as well as mental stability. It is important to understand in detail what this means and we cover that in depth.
Depression and Suicidal Thoughts - This is probably one of, if not THE most important reason for learning everything you can about depression.
What's Next

If you or a loved one appears to be "out of sorts" refer to your copy of "DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE" before you spend thousands of dollars on treatments that may or may not be the right answer.
Take the time to arm yourself with information that will help you make intelligent decisions on how to proceed. Most importantly, if you suspect depression get help somewhere. Just get help!
"DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE" is a good place to start.

Your Menopause Handbook

Follow Along as We Take a Serious Look - See How YOU Can Use This Handbook to Conquer Menopause Once and For All!
Are you sick and tired of all the jokes about menopause? Unless you've suffered the symptoms you just don't "get it."Do you ever wonder why it can be so hard to handle? You try everything out there and nothing seems to really work."Part of the problem is that many of the so-called self-help books are written by women who haven't reached that stage in their lives. Or, heaven forbid, are written by men! Doctors, perhaps, but men nevertheless.Until there is a man who can suffer from hot flashes and night sweats due to menopause it's probably a good idea to take what they say with a grain of salt!It's time to stop trying to force a round peg into a square hole. Contrary to popular belief, not all women suffer equally from the side effects of menopause. What a concept! Women aren't all alike. Imagine that!Having as much information available on the subject can help you gain confidence, support and understanding about how to cope with your menopausal symptoms.Much of the information we have been taught is outdated and downright mythical. Hard as it is to believe, there are people who think that menopause marks the end of a sex life, causes memory problems and that it is actually a disease!
Finally, there is a self-help tutorial written by a woman for women in the hope that this information will give women a better understanding of menopause. There are other outdated, archaic beliefs as well. These, as well as other much needed information can be found in Your Menopause Handbook - A Self Help Guide for Healthy Living.
Not only does it include a entire chapter debunking many of the myths surrounding menopause take a look at what else is covered:
What are the different types of menopause - yes, there is more than one
What are the signs and symptoms - some of these may surprise you
Should you seek medical help and if so, when
Menopause complications
About your emotions
Menopause and depression
Smoking and how it affects menopause
Your urinary tract and menopause
Signs and symptoms
Treatment options including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
About Bioidentical Hormones (BHRT)
How to reduce and in some cases, eliminate symptoms
Diet tips
Exercise and menopause
Ten ways to relieve hot flashes
Acupuncture and herbal remedies
and much, much more
Listen, we could go on and on about everything that is jam-packed inside this 100 page special guide. But, you need to experience it for yourself.
If you are one of those "boomers" who are in or fast approaching that age where you have to deal with the daily stresses that surround us, this is one area that you CAN control!
Find out how. Grab your copy today and start feeling better tonight!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Internet Marketing - Starting with eBay

Starting Right With eBay By Tim Swike About The Author
Chances are pretty good that you almost clicked away as soon as you say the word "eBay!" Be glad you hung in with us! This is definitely the last eBay Guide you will ever need.
Shocking but true, the majority of marketers using eBay to create their online wealth rarely make enough money to cover their ad placement. You see, most of them have fallen prey to the enormous number of "get rich quick with eBay schemes" that are prevalent online.
Most of these cite outrageous claims telling you that all you need to do is list your item on eBay and people will flock to your offer throwing you fists full of money. Ridiculous? Yes, but still, many people want so badly to believe that they jump at anything!
All these outlandish claims do is sour the pot for legitimate eBay marketers. Yes, there is still money to be made using the eBay model. What's important, however, is that you need to know the right way to get started!
"Starting Right with eBay" cuts straight through all the hype and ridiculous claims and earns the right to be a "coveted" online publication. Tim Swike gets right to the point in easy to understand language and blows away all the mystique leaving you with nothing but great ideas that you can put to work immediately! Take a look at what he shares:

Getting started the right way - everything you need to know BEFORE you jump in
What should you sell
Learn all about taxes and lawyer speak
What are the different types of auctions (What, you thought there was just one!)
Staying out of trouble
Learn the language, the eBay language that is
Posting your very first auction
Have you got a good reputation - this will make or break you!
Ten sure-fire ways to kill your eBay business
Part time or full time?
Growing your other business using the eBay model
What about the supply and sales side lighty businesses
Writing your titles - including samples
10 tips to increase your responses
Buy now or bid? Learn what to do.
What to do AFTER you win the auction
eBay has it's own Scotland Yard
Solving disputes
All about collectibles
Avoiding eBay automobile and computer scams
Beware of any eBay marketing information that promises you untold wealth and riches. "Starting Right with eBay" promises you a simple, practical approach to starting your eBay business the right way.
Honest, legal and above board "Starting Right with eBay" does not apologize for giving you the plain, unadulterated facts about starting your own auction business. Check it out and we are sure you will agree that this is not some of the same old - same old rehashed information.
Act now and you can be starting your own new eBay business within minutes of downloading your own copy! eBay is not dead if you are armed with the right information and get off on the right foot! "Starting Right with eBay" gives you a huge jump start over any other competitors.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Your Complete Guide To Hepatitis C - Separating Fact from Fiction

Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with Hepatitis C? If so, you probably already know that it targets the liver. What you may not know is that more than four million people around the world are victims of Hepatitis C.

There are some serious considerations when you are diagnosed with Hepatitis C but there are also serious misconceptions. Did you know that it is an infection? To be accurate it is blood-borne virus, HCV.

Hepatitis C is spread through contact with the blood of someone who is already infected. in fact, what makes this infectious disease so insidious is that treatment is often overlooked because the patient doe snot experience serious symptoms until well after the acute stage.

Sadly, diagnosis usually does not occur until extensive liver damage has already occurred. This is why early detection is so vital. The bottom line here is that we all need to be aware of this condition.

"Your Complete Guide to Hepatitis C" gives you the answers to the tough questions - even to the questions you don't know to ask, like some of these:

  • What is Hepatitis C?

  • What causes Hepatitis C infection.

  • What are the first symptoms of HCV infection?

  • How can people get infected with HCV?

  • What medical complications can Hepatitis C cause?

  • Who can get Hepatitis C infection?

  • Is there any vaccination for Hepatitis C?

  • What are the treatment options for Hepatitis C?

  • What are preventive measures for Hepatitis C infection?

  • Can an HCV-infected Mother pass on line?

  • Can Hepatitis C spread through sexual contact?

  • Can an HCV-infected person donate blood?

  • How is it spread?

  • What about tattoos and piercings?

All About Women and Hepatitis C

Do you know all about how Hepatitis C interacts with menstruation, pregnancy and contraception? There is an entire chapter devoted to just this topic.

You need answers to these and the multitude of other questions if you are to be armed with the right ammunition when suspecting the blood-borne infection in yourself or a loved one.

Early diagnosis is crucial! Waiting can be extremely serious and is not recommended. Each day that you delay causes more and more danger. Get it done and get it done now!

"Your Complete Guide to Hepatitis C" is no replacement for medical advice and should not be construed as such. Rather, it is a valuable tool to arm yourself with important information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

Remember, Hepatitis C is not a mental illness. Yes it is contagious. But good personal hygiene is a tool against the risk!

Again, if you or a loved one suspects they have Hepatitis or are diagnosed with it, you need answers.

"Your Complete Guide to Hepatitis C" is just what you need to become informed. Order your copy now and have your answers in minutes!

Click here for more information!

Analyzing Power

I believed each and everyone of us have a unique talent. Many who did not succeed in life is because they did not try hard and long enough in order to receive the goodness or to enjoy the fruits of life. They tend to give up too early, many did not realized that at times the very next action will be the spark that would change their entire life. Of course if the very next additional action is to be the contribution for the goodness towards society then like wise you will receive the goodness in life. If you are doing the same thing as what you have always being doing for the past 10 years then the result is the same as what you were before but the different is you are getting 10 years older and no different in life. Yes, we reap what we sow. If we plant an apple seed we will have an apple tree. If we take additional action and explore further may it be by putting the right fertilizer and planting it on the right soil then we can expect additional sweetness in the fruits. To me Life is a journey. It is for us to explore, to enjoy and have fun.