Sunday, October 12, 2008

All About Asthma

By Sharon Wicks

While mild asthma isn't considered fatal, severe asthma can cause respiratory failure. Epidemic? Probably not. Disturbing? Absolutely! The last two decades have shown the fastest growing trend in the occurrence of asthma.
This is another of those diseases whose upward surge can find its roots in modern technology.
Environment has a huge role in triggering asthma attacks. For the majority of folks, we work, live and play indoors. Dust, carpet fibers, mold, weather, wood smoke and preservatives are just a few contributing factors. Even specific gastrointestinal infections can cause asthma.
If you or someone you love appears to exhibit symptoms of asthma but you aren't sure of what to look for then "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is just what the doctor ordered.
"All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is not a textbook filled with medical jargon. Rather, it is written in plain English, straightforward and jam packed with just what you need to know before heading off to your physician.
Today's patients are a savvy lot who take control of their own health issues as never before in history. "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" recognizes that and places you in the drivers seat. Take a look at what you will learn:
What causes an asthma attack?
What are the different types of asthma?
How to identify the warning signs and symptoms
How to determine the severity of your asthma
Asthma in adults and the elderly
How to treat asthma in your child
Can you prevent an asthma attack?
What is the criteria to diagnose asthma?
What medications are used to treat asthma?
Learn about a "peak flow meter"
Common myths about asthma dispelled
Asthma an exercise
What about asthma and nutrition?
Look, we aren't going to tell you that "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is going to cure your asthma. . .there is no cure for asthma. However, there are different ways to manage the disease.
Beware of anyone making "cure all" claims just to get you to part with your hard-earned money. What you need is a responsible guide that will explain this condition and give you realistic answers about dealing with it whether it be for yourself or your child or your elderly.
Don't waste another minute. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee you have no reason not to get the answers you deserve and get them right now. Those answers are just a click away. The longer you wait, the longer the symptoms go with no relief.
Move on over and click the link below and get your questions answered immediately. Don't waste another breath. Who knows when that next breath may come more difficulty?

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